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3. Your opportunities to engage

3.12 Working from home

The vast majority of the work you can do with Special Procedures can be done from home. This section explains what you can do without coming to Geneva.


It is not necessary to come to Geneva to engage with the Special Procedures. They can be contacted via email. However, if you are pushing for a Special Procedure to support a particular thematic report, or if you are pushing for a country visit, then it helps to meet them in person.

Mailing Lists

Many Special Procedure mandates have their own mailing lists, and you can request that you be added to their list by emailing them. You can also sign up to the OHCHR Civil Society Weekly Update.


Some Special Procedures have dedicated websites. For example:

Social Media

Special Procedures are increasingly becoming active on social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, with some being very media savvy. Social media, however, is not necessarily the best way to share information with them. They can write tweets on your issue, and you can retweet their posts.

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