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3. Your opportunities to engage

3.1 Introduction

So you have decided that the Special Procedures are the right mechanism for you to support your work. Now what?

This Chapter gives you information on the opportunities that exist for civil society to engage with Special Procedure. It also offers some tools for you to engage effectively and strategically.

You can engage with the Special Procedures in several ways, and the method you choose will be dependent on the outcome you wish to achieve.

You can engage with the Special Procedures without coming to Geneva.

Civil society can engage with the Special Procedures in these ways:

Defender Story

Illustration of a women speaking

Compensation to communities and victims of dam collapse: Brazil

In 2015, a dam collapsed in Brazil, affecting the lives of 3.2 million people through huge environmental damage. The compensation agreement provided by the government and private sector did not adequately address the needs of local communities and victims.

The victims and civil society engaged the Special Procedures, and in 2015 and 2016, various Special Procedures made country visits, reported (here and here) and issued statements (e.g. here and here) on the human right violations connected to the collapse.

Their actions are believed to have been a key factor in the decision of judicial authorities to annul the compensation agreement.


Statements of Special Procedures:

In the next sections, you'll find information on why these opportunities might be useful to you, as well as tips on how to take advantage of them most effectively.

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