Mitigate risk and reprisals when working with UN & regional human rights mechanisms
Information about the risks and mitigation for reprisals when cooperating with UN & regional human rights mechanisms as well as your general online safety
The Basics
An overview of the risks you might face when engaging with the UN and how you can mitigate them
Your right to be secure as a human rights defender
Summary of international standards and protections that exist to ensure human rights defenders are able to conduct their work in safety.
What are the risks you might face for engaging with the UN?
Find out more about the potential reprisals you might face when working with UN human rights mechanisms and how you can plan for and mitigate such risks
What UN mechanisms can you use to respond to reprisals?
Explore the ways you can use UN human rights mechanisms themselves to respond if you face reprisals when engaging with the UN
What African Commission mechanisms can you use to respond to reprisals?
Explore the ways you can respond if you face reprisals when engaging with the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights.
What other tools can you use to respond to reprisals?
Find out what other resources you can use if you face reprisals
How secure is the ISHR Academy?
Information about this website and the precautions you can take to increase your digital security