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SAMPLE - Submission of Greenpeace International to the Human Rights Committee on General Comment No. 37 on the Right of Peaceful Assembly

Type of Resource: Communication, Sample document

Author: Greenpeace International

Publication Date: 2020

In this submission to the Human Rights Committee, Greenpeace International critiques the Committee's draft General Comment No. 37 on freedom of peaceful assembly, making suggestions on the scope of the right of peaceful assembly, assemblies on privately-owned property, assemblies and business, criminal and administrative proceedings, and notification requirements.

SAMPLE - NGOs Joint Submission to the Human Rights Committee on General Comment No. 37 on the Right of Peaceful Assembly

Type of Resource: Communication, Sample document

Author: International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), various NGOs

Publication Date: 2020

In response to a report of the Human Rights Committee, this document focuses on: general considerations and language in the report; the notion of "violent protests"; authorization and prior notice; illegitimate restrictions on the right of peaceful assembly; obligations of the States Party in relation to the right to freedom of peaceful protest; accountability. The annex contains suggestions on alternative wording to the current text with a view toward incorporating these observations into the main body of this report.

SAMPLE - Joint General Recommendation of the CEDAW (No. 31) and CRC (No. 18) on Harmful Practices

Type of Resource: Sample document

Author: Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC)

Publication Date: 2014

This joint general recommendation/comment clarifies the obligations of States parties to the Conventions by providing authoritative guidance on legislative, policy and other appropriate measures to ensure full compliance with their obligations to eliminate harmful practices grounded in discrimination based on sex, gender and age, among other things.

SAMPLE - General Recommendation No. 37 of the CEDAW on Gender-Related Risk Reduction, Climate Change

Type of Resource: Sample document

Author: Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

Publication Date: 2018

In this General Recommendation, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) tackled gender-related dimensions of disaster risk reduction in the context of climate change. The recommendation emphasizes states obligations to ensure substantive equality between women and men in all areas of life, as well as specific guarantees that may be particularly affected by climate change and disasters.

SAMPLE - General Comment No. 30 of the Human Rights Committee (CCPR)

Type of Resource: Sample document

Author: Human Rights Committee (CCPR)

Publication Date: 2002

This General Comment discusses the reporting obligations of States parties under Article 40 of the ICCPR.

SAMPLE - General Comment No. 36 of the Human Rights Committee (CCPR)

Type of Resource: Sample document

Author: Human Rights Committee (CCPR)

Publication Date: 2019

This General Comment examines Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, discussing the prohibition against arbitrary deprivation of life, the duty to protect life, the imposition of the death penalty, and the relationship of the right to life with other rights.

SAMPLE - General Comment No. 34 of the Human Rights Committee on Freedoms of Opinion and Expression

Type of Resource: Sample document

Author: Human Rights Committee

Publication Date: 2011

This General Comment of the Human Rights Committee discusses the scope of the rights of freedom of expression and opinion and the corresponding obligations of States parties in preserving those rights.

SAMPLE - Individual communication against Maldives submitted to the Human Rights Committee (CCPR)

Type of Resource: Communication, Sample document

Author: International Service for Human Rights (ISHR)

Publication Date: 2016

Two members of the Maldives national Human Rights Commission made a submission to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the Maldives including a number of references to human rights issues in the country. As a consequence of their submission to the UPR and their participation in the review, both members of the institution were dismissed as a clear act of retaliation for their engagement in the review. ISHR worked with the victims to take their case to the Human Rights Committee.

SAMPLE - Views of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) on Individual Communication against Argentina

Type of Resource: Communication, Sample document

Author: Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Publication Date: 2014

In Argentina, a person who was held in detention required specific medical attention and was denied part of that healthcare. A lawyer consequently took the case to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The Committee found that Argentina had failed to comply with provisions of the Convention and requested the State to provide reparation to the victim, which Argentina subsequently complied with. 

SAMPLE - Human Rights Committee Decision on Individual Communication against Australia

Type of Resource: Report, Sample document

Author: Human Rights Committee

Publication Date: 2014

In this document the Human Rights Committee finds a violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in response to an individual complaint against Australia alleging police violence. Consequently, the State party not only acknowledged the violation, but provided her with full reparation.


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