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SAMPLE - CERD Early Warning to French Guiana

Type of Resource: Communication, Sample document

Author: Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)

Publication Date: 2018

The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) issued this early warning to France in response to a complaint submitted by indigenous communities about a gold mining project on their land. The early warning asked France to seek free and informed consent of the indigenous communities affected by the mining project, or suspend it.

SAMPLE - Joint NGO Submission to the Review of South Africa's Initial Report to the CESCR

Type of Resource: Communication, Sample document

Author: Legal Resources Centre (LRC), Global Initiative on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR), ISHR

Publication Date: 2018

In a joint submission to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR), LRC, GI-ESCR and ISHR outlined the dangerous situation of economic, social and cultural rights defenders in South Africa, and provided a range of suggestions relating to the first review of South Africa by this Committee.

SAMPLE - General Comment No. 3 of the CAT on Implementation

Type of Resource: Sample document

Author: CAT

Publication Date: 2012

This General Comment explains and clarifies to States parties the content and scope of the obligations under Article 14 of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

SAMPLE - Individual Complaint to the CAT Concerning the Disbarrment of Burundian Lawyers

Type of Resource: Communication, Sample document

Author: ISHR

Publication Date: 2020

In this submission to the Committee against Torture, ISHR presents the complaint of Burundian lawyers who were disbarred in reprisal for their participation in the CAT's 2016 special review of Burundi.

SAMPLE - Decision of the CAT against Kazakhstan in the Case of Gerasimov

Type of Resource: Report, Sample document

Author: Committee against Torture (CAT)

Publication Date: 2012

This document contains the decision of the Committee against Torture in the case of Gerasimov v. Kazakhstan, finding that Kazakhstan had violated petitioner's rights.

SAMPLE - Response of Open Society Justice Initiative to Kazakhstan's Comments in the Case of Gerasimov at the CAT

Type of Resource: Communication, Sample document

Author: Open Society Justice Initiative

Publication Date: 2011

This document of the Open Society Justice initiative replies to Kazakhstan's response to the allegations of torture in the Gerasimov case before the Committee against Torture.

SAMPLE - Kazakhstan Comments in the Case of Gerasimov at the Committee against Torture

Type of Resource: Communication, Sample document

Author: Kazakhstan

Publication Date: 2011

This document contains Kazakhstan's response to the allegations of torture submitted to the Committee against Torture by the Open Society Justice Initiative and Alexander Gerasimov.

SAMPLE - Individual Communication of Open Society Justice Initiative to the Committee against Torture

Type of Resource: Communication, Sample document

Author: Open Society Justice Initiative

Publication Date: 2010

In this communication to the Committee Against Torture, the Open Society Justice Initiative presents the case of Alexander Gerasimov, who had been detained and tortured by Kazakh authorities.

SAMPLE - General Comment No. 3 of the CRPD on Women with Disabilities

Type of Resource: Sample document

Author: Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Publication Date: 2016

In this General comment, the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) underlines the multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination against women and girls with disabilities in areas such as equal access to education, economic opportunities, social interaction and justice, and equal recognition before the law.

SAMPLE - Submission of the Center for Reproductive Rights to the CRPD on General Comment No. 3 on Women with Disabilities

Type of Resource: Communication, Sample document

Author: Center for Reproductive Rights

Publication Date: 2015

In this submission, the Center for Reproductive Rights provides comments on the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’ draft General Comment on women with disabilities. The Center argues there are specific areas where States’ obligations could be further strengthened in respect to the reproductive health and rights of women and girls with disabilities.


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