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A Practical Guide to the UN Committee on NGOs

Type of Resource: Handbook / Guide

Author: ISHR

Publication Date: 2019

An essential resource for all NGOs looking to obtain UN consultative status as a means to engage effectively with its human rights system. The UN Committee on NGOs is the body through which all NGO applications for Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) accreditation with the UN human rights system must pass. This handbook is a response to a need for information about decision-making in the Committee and the overall process of accreditation.

English Version. Available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish.

Shared Space Under Pressure: Business support for civic freedoms and human rights defenders

Type of Resource: Handbook / Guide

Author: ISHR

Publication Date: 2018

Global data shows there is a concerted attack on essential freedoms and business and civil law. Defenders and organisations who expose the risk of abuse by companies in their operations and supply chains are particularly vulnerable. This resource outlines a clear and practical guide to realistic actions by responsible companies, investors, industry associates and business leaders. It elaborates on why businesses should be compelled to join civil society and human rights defenders in resisting the crackdown on their work.

Shared Space Under Pressure: Business support for civic freedoms and human rights defenders - Executive Summary

Type of Resource: Handbook / Guide

Author: ISHR

Publication Date: 2018

Global data shows there is a concerted attack on essential freedoms and business and civil law. Defenders and organisations who expose the risk of abuse by companies in their operations and supply chains are particularly vulnerable. This resource outlines a clear and practical guide to realistic actions by responsible companies, investors, industry associates and business leaders. It elaborates on why businesses should be compelled to join civil society and human rights defenders in resisting the crackdown on their work.

Reprisals Handbook

Type of Resource: Handbook / Guide

Author: ISHR

Publication Date: 2018

This handbook is aimed at human rights defenders, rights holders, victims and witnesses, and highlights the risks that they may face when interacting with human rights bodies, including the UN human rights system, the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR), the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), and the Council of Europe (CoE). The handbook also discusses ways in which defenders can leverage the weight of the UN and regional human rights mechanisms to provide some degree of protection against those risks and promote accountability for perpetrators.

English Version. Available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.


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