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SAMPLE - Joint Statement on Human Rights Defenders in Honduras and Columbia delivered at the HRC

Type of Resource: Statement, Sample document

Author: ISHR and Others

Publication Date: 2018

This joint civil society statement was presented at the general debate on country reports and oral briefings at the 37th Session of the Council. It focuses on human rights violations in Honduras and the necessity to implement recommendations made by OHCHR; as well as the grave situation faced by human rights defenders in Colombia.

SAMPLE - ISHR's Statement on Reprisals delivered at the HRC

Type of Resource: Statement, Sample document

Author: ISHR

Publication Date: 2018

This civil society statement was delivered during an interactive dialogue at the Human Rights Council, and highlights cases of reprisals against human rights defenders in countries which are members of the Human Rights Council.

ISHR Tips & Tricks: Steps to Prepare and Deliver an Oral Statement at the HRC

Type of Resource: FactSheet / Checklist

Author: ISHR

Publication Date: 2023

This resource provides guidance and a checklist on how to prepare and deliver an oral statement at the Human Rights Council. ISHR Tips & Tricks are a series of guides aimed to support human rights defenders in their advocacy with international and regional human rights mechanisms.

Suggested Elements for Voluntary Pledges and Commitments by Candidates for Election to the HRC

Type of Resource: FactSheet / Checklist

Author: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

Publication Date:

This document suggests elements for voluntary pledges and commitments by candidate member States for election to the Human Rights Council.

Engaging UN Special Procedures to Advance Human Rights at Home: A guide for US advocates

Type of Resource: Handbook / Guide

Author: Columbia Law School Human Rights Institute

Publication Date: 2015

This guide explores ways in which advocates can make effective use of the UN special procedures. It shares successful examples and offers recommendations for how to increase the effectiveness of domestic advocacy efforts.

SAMPLE - Thematic report: Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights on ‘The cultural rights approach to the universality of human rights and the close interrelationship between universality and cultural diversity’

Type of Resource: Report, Sample document

Author: Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights

Publication Date: 2018

To mark the seventieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Special Rapporteur examines the cultural rights approach to the universality of human rights, and the close interrelationship between universality and cultural diversity. She enumerates current threats to universality, calling for foundational renewal and vigorous defence of this principle.

SAMPLE - Follow-up thematic report: Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders – Situation of women human rights defenders

Type of Resource: Report, Sample document

Author: Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders

Publication Date: 2019

In this report, the Special Rapporteur reviews the situation of women human rights defenders, focusing on the additional gendered risks women human rights defenders face, and recognizes their important role in the promotion of human rights. The report contains recommendations and examples of good practices to support the building of diverse, inclusive and strong movements of women human rights defenders, and to ensure that women defenders are supported and strengthened to promote and protect human rights.

SAMPLE - Follow-up country visit report: Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples – Australia

Type of Resource: Report, Sample document

Author: Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples

Publication Date: 2017

In this report, the Special Rapporteur observes that the policies of the Government: do not duly respect the rights to self-determination and effective participation; contribute to the failure to deliver in the areas of health, education and employment; and fuel the escalating incarceration and child removal rates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. He recommends revision of policies, and acknowledgement and addressal of the consequences and prevalence of intergenerational trauma and racism.

SAMPLE - Follow-up communication by Special Procedures: Death penalty against minors – Saudi Arabia

Type of Resource: Communication, Sample document

Author: Special Rapporteurs

Publication Date: 2018

A joint statement of Special Procedures, focusing on six individuals facing imminent execution as a result of the criminalization of the exercise of fundamental rights exercised when they were under the age of 18.

SAMPLE - Unofficial country visit ‘press release’: Special Rapporteur adequate housing – United States of America

Type of Resource: Press Release, Sample document

Author: The Guardian

Publication Date: 2018

A press release by the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing after her visit to the United States, which resulted in a report probing deplorable living conditions and assessing compliance with international human rights law. The press release includes her remarks on the situation faced by many homeless people, as well as the words of the individuals involved.


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