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Seeking Remedies for Torture Victims: A Handbook on the Individual Complaints Procedures of the UN Treaty Bodies

Type of Resource: Handbook / Guide

Author: World Organization Against Torture (OMCT)

Publication Date: 2014

This handbook gives practical guidance to persons seeking redress for torture and other ill-treatment before the UN Treaty Bodies. It provides an overview of the mandate and functions of the Human Rights Committee (CCPR), the Committee against Torture (CAT), and the Committee on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and describes the individual complaints procedures with special emphasis on providing strategic advice to persons litigating torture cases.

UN Human Rights Committee: Participation in the Reporting Process - Guidelines For Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)

Type of Resource: Handbook / Guide

Author: Centre for Civil and Political Rights (CCPR-Centre)

Publication Date: 2010

This resource offers guidance to NGOs on the process of reporting to the Human Rights Committee. The combination of detailed practical and substantive information make these guidelines extremely useful in facilitating and honing the work of NGOs in relation to the Human Rights Committee.

Guide for Ratification & Implementation of the ICCPR

Type of Resource: Handbook / Guide

Author: Centre for Civil and Political Rights (CCPR-Centre)

Publication Date: 2017

This guide provides practical information to stakeholders on the ratification (or accession) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

Guide on Reporting to the UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies

Type of Resource: Handbook / Guide

Author: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

Publication Date: 2017

This manual provides a comprehensive introduction to the human rights Treaty Bodies, national mechanisms for reporting and follow-up (NMRFs), and the procedures for reporting to the Treaty Bodies.

Handbook for Human Rights Treaty Body Members

Type of Resource: Handbook / Guide

Author: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

Publication Date: 2015

This handbook serves as a guide on the nominations and elections, independence and accountability, workload and expectations, and practical details of the offices of Treaty Body members.

National Mechanisms for Reporting and Follow-up: A practical guide to effective State engagement with international human rights mechanisms

Type of Resource: Handbook / Guide

Author: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

Publication Date: 2016

This guide explains national mechanisms for reporting and follow-up (NMRF), how they work and how they may be structured. It provides advice on the elements that States must consider when establishing or strengthening their NMRF, with examples of State practice.

Guía Práctica de los Procedimientos Especiales de la ONU (ISHR)

Type of Resource: Manual / Guía

Author: ISHR

Publication Date: 2018

Este manual es una herramienta práctica para que las organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) trabajen con los Procedimientos Especiales, que son las personas expertas independientes en derechos humanos de la ONU asignadas a investigar e informar sobre situaciones de derechos humanos. La información proporcionada en esta guía ayudará a las ONG a colaborar más estratégicamente con los Procedimientos Especiales para aumentar el impacto de la labor de las personas expertas en todo el mundo.

Consejos y recomendaciones de ISHR: Comparación de los mecanismos de derechos humanos de las Naciones Unidas

Type of Resource: Ficha informativa / Lista de control

Author: ISHR

Este cuadro ofrece una comparación de los principales mecanismos de derechos humanos de las Naciones Unidas, para ayudarle a decidir lo que podría ser más útil para su defensa. Los Consejos y las Recomendaciones son una serie de guías destinadas a apoyar a las personas defensoras de los derechos humanos en su defensa ante los mecanismos internacionales y regionales de derechos humanos.

Consejos y recomendaciones de ISHR: Preparación para la defensa en Ginebra

Type of Resource: Ficha informativa / Lista de control

Author: ISHR

Este recurso ofrece una lista de documentos de apoyo útiles que puede preparar antes de venir a Ginebra. Los Consejos y las Recomendaciones de ISHR son una serie de guías destinadas a apoyar a las personas defensoras de los derechos humanos en su defensa utilizando los mecanismos internacionales y regionales de derechos humanos.

EJEMPLO - Programa de trabajo del Consejo (sesión de septiembre).

Type of Resource: Documento de ejemplo

Author: HRC Secretariat

Ejemplo del Programa de Trabajo del Consejo de Derechos Humanos (sesión de septiembre).


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